There was red faced embarrassment over the weekend for the ever-present Scuderia, shortly after realising they'd actually been running two cars all year.

The slight oversight came to light as portly mechanic Guiseppe explained: "I was a putting away di gantry likea dis, and a all of a sudden, a voice is in my ear.... he say, Boys, whata strategy do we do? I looka at the car and say howa spooky it is, Sharl can be outta di car and still on di radio, and then Marco saya No! That's a Sebastian, he still drivea di car forra us! Mama mia..."

Cheery Italian stereotype Mario chipped in: "We canta believe it! We a thought Sebastian, he just come to see ow we do, we notta realise we leava him di keys to the other car!". Further investigations revealed that Vettel had been preparing the car, fuelling, running the briefings and strategy meetings all by him self. This has lead to suspicions that his all nighters assembling the car had left him a touch grumpy during the races. Unfortunately, being so busy the one important thing he forgot to do was write his own contract for next year.